I have spent most of today trying to determine the veracity of the claims about this Windows 7 update debacle.
OK, these are the facts I have managed to find out.
Firstly, the dodgy update does exist.
It was first discussed on a Microsoft forum on September 30th, 2015.
Secondly, on yet another discussion thread also hosted on a Microsoft domain, there is acknowledgement that the update was a mistake BUT the acknowledgement was weasely because it was acknowledged by a volunteer – NOT A MICROSOFT EMPLOYEE.
In spite of the weasely attempts by Microsoft in acknowledging the problem, we can reasonably conclude that “it” did happen.
Well, what are the implications for users?
Some questions are :
- Q1/ Have I got that update lurking in the background waiting to install?
- Q2/ If I do have the update, how do I ensure it does not “accidentally” install and brick my computer?
Trying to get some kind of directions from Microsoft is an exercise in futility.
I had determined that the update was designated “KB 3778432” by Microsoft. (Does anybody know how I did this? 🙂 )
Searching for that KB article on the Microsoft website showed nothing.
It was as though Microsoft has quietly removed all references to that article and is pretending it all never happened, never existed and I-don’t-know-what-you-are-talking-about.
There has been NO official statement by Microsoft as at the time of writing!
So, what does a normal user do?
My suggestion is that you get a professional to help you if you are uncertain but if you feel comfortable, you can try out my suggestions.
*NOTE* If your computer blows up after you try my suggestions, don’t blame me, don’t try to sue me, ok? My suggestions are just that – suggestions and nothing more 🙂 I am NOT even using a Windows computer to write this, OK? Plus I got the images off the Internet cos I am already updated to Windows 10 which shows an entirely different type of window dialogue.
OK, in a nutshell the process is quite easy.
- Go to Control Panel
- Go to Windows Update
- Click on where it says updates are available
- After clicking on the updates available, you should see a list similar to the following
- You may see an update with a really really long name in goobleygook like the one I have dummied up above.
- If you do see something like that, just untick it
- Install your updates as per normal
Alternatively, here are Microsoft’s instructions for checking what updates you have and selecting the updates you want to install.
If you do not see an update with a really really long filename, you should be safe and can install Windows updates as per normal.
Good luck folks!!
Drop me a comment on how you went 🙂
Well, the longest name in window update is about security update for Microsoft .Net Framework 4 on ….no threat from KB 3778432 🙂 That means, KB 3778432 wais released