This is an analysis of SYNful Knock by the people who discovered it – Mandiant/FireEye. From my reading of the article, it seems that the router implant was handcrafted on a router-by-router basis. Also, the original attack seems to require…
Cisco has provided a method of determining if your router has the SYNful Knock router implant. ========================================================= http://blogs.cisco.com/security/offline-analysis-of-ios-image-integrity Cisco Blog > Security Offline Analysis of IOS Image Integrity Vafa Izadinia | February 23, 2012 at 1:01 pm PST Forensic…
This is Cisco’s offical response to SYNful Knock. ============================================== https://blogs.cisco.com/security/synful-knock Cisco Blog > Security SYNful Knock: Detecting and Mitigating Cisco IOS Software Attacks Omar Santos | September 15, 2015 at 12:06 am PST Historically, threat actors have targeted network devices…
Some people are just soooo stupid. Apparently, it is becoming a bit of a trend in some UK pubs to sell a liquid nitrogen based drink. It seems that liquid nitrogen is added to whatever alcoholic drink one is having…